Sales Internship Experience

What Is Selling? Things I Learn’t At My First Sales Internship

What is selling ?

How do we sell ?

Is it easy to make sales ?

All of these above questions depend on a single fact and that is “How do we perceive selling”

In sales sky is the limit and as long as you can produce sales you don’t need to worry about anything else. 

Selling = Serving

While doing sales we tend to get nervous, we start doubting ourselves and even before the client says ‘NO’ we tend to believe that the sales is over.

Well, this happens because we perceive sales as getting someone to do something that they don’t want to do or to get something from someone without providing them with enough value.

But what if you really weren’t selling instead your were ‘Serving” 

Would you still be that nervous ?

Would you still fear approaching someone ?

Wouldn’t you make that last call before leaving ?

Wouldn’t you touch as many people as possible ?

All of our beliefs about selling changes when we change our perception about what selling really is.

In the year 2018 I did my first sales internship. Even after 10 days I wasn’t able to get a single positive response. I got really frustrated and decided to do something about it. I meet with one of my mentors and talked with him for about 4 long hours and I realized that my strength was in connecting with people and sales & marketing would help me do that. I also learn’t one more thing that day and that is,

Selling = Serving

And since that day I have never been nervous about connecting with people because I understand that by providing value to someone who is looking for solution is in a way serving them. 

That day changed my life and I wrote down all the points about why selling equals serving :

1. You don’t need a permission to serve, do you ?

2. You can’t lose by serving, can you ?

3. You feel great while serving, don’t you ?

4. The returns you get by serving is much more than profits, Isn’t it ?

5. When you go with an intent to serve your confidence increases, doesn’t it ?

Zig Ziglar said, ” You can get anything that you want in life if you can just help enough people get what they want “

As the famous author says…

You can get anything in life is you can just help enough people get what they want

– Zig Ziglar

So from now onward lets change our perception and focus on serving and connecting. By being authentic and putting other person’s interest in front of our own is the perfect way to sell anything that you want.

Selling = Serving

Haider Arsiwala

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