Law Of Success Blog Haider

Guide For 2022 – Top Quotes & Learnings

The best rose bush is not which has the fewest thorns but the one which bears the finest Rose.

From The Law Of Success

This quote states what truly matters in long term. It’s not your mistakes or scars but your growth and wisdom that came along the journey.

Very seed of success is dormant in every defeat that you experience.

Self-Confidence is no exception it is developed when used but disappears if not. Act of defeat is not the Act of failure until accepted in the mind.

Why we fear things that never happens ?

Skepticism is the deadly enemy of self-development and progress. Is it not strange that we fear most that which never happens?

We destroy our initiative by the fear of defeat when in reality defeat is a most useful tonic and should be accepted as such.

My Self- Confidence Formulae:

  • First: I know I have the ability to achieve the object of my purpose and therefore I demand myself to be persistent, aggressive towards the attainment of it.
  • Realize my dominant thoughts of my mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward, bodily and action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality.
  • Through the principle of Auto Suggestion any desire I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means. I need to keep looking at opportunities coming in my way and take action.
  • Be Clear about what I want from my day, week and month and be definite about my service to the people around me.
  • I realize that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth & justice.


If you want to know what the other fellow will do use your Imagination, put yourself in his place and find out what you would have done . That’s IMAGINATION

Your Imagination belongs to you. Use it, the more you use it the more it will sere you.

How Imagination helped me In Sales

No salesman can make a sales if he doubts that he can do it. The only way to first close a sale is in your own imagination.

I remember when I was working as an Business Development Analyst at Saffron Stay my job was to sign properties. I used to call Home owner in order to pitch and I still remember the thoughts that use to rush in my minds while used to pitch them. The First Thing that used to come in my mind was He Ain’t gonna listen and over coming this was a challenge. But as I used this tool of Imagination it made me more confident and helped me get more deals

Imagination to be remembered!

How long do people remember you?

Either in a job or business your ability to get remembered by the people you worked with or are working with is an essential skill. If people remember you get the benefit of being known and this helps you to get many benefits.

But being remembered is a art and it needs imagination. You need to have an imagination to contribute in such a way that people remember you. The way people remember you is your personal brand.


Enthusiasm is contagious and vitally effect not only the enthusiast but all with whom he comes in contact with.

Enthusiasm will affect you and will affect others. Happiness is the final object of all human effort and enthusiasm will help you achieve it.

Mix enthusiasm with your work and it will not seem hard or monotonous. It energizes you & entire body.

When your mind is vibrating at a high rate because it has been stimulated with enthusiasm than vibration registers in the mind of those with whom you come in close contact with.

Every thought held in the conscious mind has tendency to draw to it other thoughts of similar nature

Self Control

No man can control others unless he controls himself.

Enthusiasm and self control go hand in hand. Men who control themselves usually boss the job no matter what it may be.

How do one control his own self?

Self control is solely a matter of thought control.

You are the sum total of your dominating or most prominent thoughts.

My Sum Total Formulae

Haider Arsiwala = Books He Reads + People & Content he Follows on Social media + His Experiences + His Family & Friends + People he works with + The places he goes to.

Key to open Opportunities

The worlds bestows its Big Prize both In Money and honors for one thing and that is Initiative. It means doing the right thing without being told.

Two things I noticed stopped me from taking Initiative: Procrastination and Fear of Doing More & Receiving less.

Procrastination will be your first enemy to overcome when it comes to taking initiative. It will simple slow you down by asking this simple question, Why? Why should I be the one to do it? Why Should I work hard ? Why … Why….
Simple Question to overcome is to turn the why on itself and ask Why Not?

Second, Is Doing more receiving less. Having stayed in a joint family I have most of times noticed this attitude and fear of being taken advantage off and being taken for granted. Also, Working at different organization I have been told to simple do my work and live happy. But the one thing this all have in common is what am I getting? and this belief simply rejects the thought what am I becoming. Through my experiences I have also grown by doing for things I love and People I care about. It makes me grow in the longer run.

Taking Decisions

So Which side are you on: Take Quick Decision..DO Fast Fail Fast or are you someone who thinks and analyzes before he acts?

I have been and extreme of both sides and each one has its own benefits and what I have come up to is seeing the upside and downside before taking up a decision

If it has huge upside and a smaller downside so for the fail fast theory.

If it has Some upside but a huge downside go for facts theory.

People also have this conflict of deciding either should have faith or facts?

Read this before you come to conclusion:

So here’s my view: Look for logic & facts in the realm of faith. Every True Faithful opinion will have a logic if you are truly interested in finding one and every logic that has ever been proved had an absolute faith to finding and discover something that exists.

Law Of Nature

There’s these impactful line which says, ” Some Lessons have to experienced before they can be understood. We all are the victims in different ways, to the truth.”

Doing is the best way to experience something. Do and you shall have the power.

What I found after analyzing Powerful People & Power

If you analyze power you will find Organization & Co-Operation as the two chief factors behind it.

Powerful people are organized and drive huge organization. This is one thing that somehow I struggle with and I am known for being a bit less organized. I get the work done but this is one skill that I am looking to develop and practice more in 2022.

Warren Buffet is a wonderful example when it comes to organized investing. Sam Walton For Walmart and how he built a huge organization like Walmart in an organized way which till date is looked up to by Jeff Bezos.

Co-operation Of People & thoughts is what we learn from Mahatma Gandhi. He was Known for getting huge masses to co-operate and unite. Nelson Mandela, Tony Robbins are also two Wonderful personalities who have impacted and contributed to a millions lives.

Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap

To do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you if your position were reversed. Think of others as you wish them to think of you is the key to attract abundance in your life.

I believe in myself. I believe in those who work with me. I believe in my employer. I believe in my friends. I that God will lend me everything I need with which to succeed if I do my best to earn it through faithful and honest service.

The Quotes & Learnings I shared In this blog are to help me and reader as a guide to guide us in our thoughts and approach towards this new year.

Happy New Year!

Haider Arsiwala

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