Sympathy v/s Empathy

“You are not the part of the problem so you can back away and become the part of solution”

The one thing that we do wrong when in sales is that we CONFUSE OUR SITUATIONS WITH THEIRS. When we get an objection or face an emotional reason we tend to sail with it without realizing that we are not the part of the problem.

Your wants, needs, desire, tastes and capacity to pay have no relation with the prospects need, wants, desires and ability to pay. When we tend to be sympathetic we start to think irrationally and mix our situations with theirs. 


Sympathy means you feel like another person feels whereas Empathy means you understand how the other person feels though you donnot feel the same way. 

With empathy you understand and are sensitive to feedback you pull yourself away from the problem and recommend a solution. 

If you’re going to build a sales carries you got to have empathy. Empathy is the ability to get inside the feeling of other person and look at his wants and needs through his eyes.



Haider Arsiwala

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