I am Haider Arsiwala

Love | Courage | Optimisitic

My name is Haider and I am an ambitious individual who takes joy in sharing and helping others. I am someone who has always been interested in these two subjects Life and People.

My interest in life made me interested in personal development and do crazy and adventurous things like bungee jumping, paragliding, glass walk, rafting, trekking, and traveling solo.

Whereas, my interest in people got me interested in Subjects like Business, Sales & Marketing, Communication and Human Psychology. I believe life & business is all about people, understanding them, and constantly observing and learning is the key. Being a passionate learner in these subjects has helped me to connect with amazing minds and work with some excellent organizations.

DO MORE, BE MORE & GIVE MORE is something that I truly believe in.

I created this website with an intend to learn, document and share my Ideas, Journey and Learnings with you. It may be a small drop in the ocean of this digital world but I aim to help and make my difference.

Here’s My Journey Till Now

My Journey Timeline

Organization & Brands I Have Worked With


Personal Development & Growth




Travelling & Exploring



My Favourite Quotes

What you speak matters!

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

My wallpaper Quote

Where I am in life right now is because of nobody but me.

Man’s search for meaning!

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing that last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given state of circumstances.