What makes a piece of art? Things Great Teams & Great Companies Follow

Hi Everyone, In this Blog I wanted write about What Great Teams & Great Companies Have In Common that helps them to create Great piece of art.

The other day I watched a flock of birds fly and make a beautiful formation and I am sure that everyone must have seen such kind of art that the birds make when they fly.

This type of flying shows an amazing co-ordination and team work and I wondered what did they do that formed such a piece of art.

Recently I read these Lines from the book Good To Great and it spoke about what makes a company & team great and it goes like this,

When there’s disciplined people you don’t need hierarchy,
When there’s disciplined thoughts you don’t need bureaucracy,
When there’s disciplined action you don’t need excessive control.

Good To Great

Every extraordinary team has a culture of discipline with ethic of entrepreneurship in it’s members.

When there’s Disciplined People you don’t need Hierarchy

When we talk about discipline we usually tend to think about rules what we learned in school, Stand In a Line Don’t do this, Do this.

Every Organization which deals with a group people needs to have a sense of discipline. And All have their Carrots and Sticks to make it work.

But What I want to emphasize on when it comes to discipline is Self Discipline.

And I have had an experience of working with teams which have self disciplined members and one’s which don’t and here’s my experience:

One of early job in a startup which was growing significantly well in numbers was not up to the mark when it comes to having disciplined people in their hierarchy they lacked in having professional leaders which resulted in tremendous work pressure as well mental in the lower hierarchy and which led to a high attribution rate especially in the upcoming talents. I remember 7 out of 10 people including myself leaving the company in few months and most of them were engineers from top most universities in mumbai

Second, working at an agency with good people taught me how well can discipline people contribute in growth of an individual and the company itself. Talking about hierarchy I never the way I felt at the startup. I never left that we had hierarchy It was more a team who has members who want to constantly grow and contribute.

Two opposite experience and the only thing that made all the difference was Disciplined People.

When there is Disciplined Thought you don’t need Bureaucracy

One of my favorite quotes states:

Self Control is solely a matter of thought Control

When it comes to people thoughts is what creates conflict. A unproductive thought us all you need to get the entire teams morale down. But great teams and great managers know this skill is how to keep up the energy of the team and help people to work with their maximum efficiency!

While I was working at an agency we used to have weekly catchup and I over the period of time I realized that the 1 hour catchup meant so much to people working. We used to learn, share and express and this was one of the biggest motivation we had.

Great Leaders, Great Manager and Great individuals know how to keep disciplined thought among its team members

When there is Disciplined Action you don’t need excessive control

No one will dig into your past or work unless you give them a reason to do so

If you really want to lead people you need to instill disciplined action among them.

In the business world we commonly have a metric called the North Star Metric. It’s a metric were all the people’s efforts are aligned too and everyone works keeping that in mind. What it does is it helps people gain clarity on what they priority is.

Clarity gives you power. High Performing teams all are aligned and obsessed with action. They know when to keep their ego’s aside and work in sync to achieve that one metric.

Coming back to how birds make that beautiful piece of art…

On finding out how birds make these beautiful formations I found out that they follow a simple rule which is Don’t Collide.

And this was their secret. Play Your Part and Don’t Collide

This may sound simple but this is what makes a piece of art!

So to conclude its important that you co-operate and help people play their part. Contribute, Encourage and Inspire people around you and that is what will lead you to success.

Do let me know thoughts in the comments. Share this blog with someone you feel will benefit out of it.

Thanks for reading!


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