Great Mareters

What Great Marketers & Relationship People Have In Common?

Great Marketers are people who know how to win and influence people


In today’s blog, I wanted to write about Marketing & Relationships. Now it may sound a bit vague but by the end of this blog, I would want to demonstrate that how good marketers are people who know how to make good relationships and vice versa.

Let’s take Steve Jobs He never sold but what he did was build an everlasting relationship between apple and its user. He made raving fans. He knew how to build that relation. Gary Vaynerchuk is another brilliant icon when it comes to the marketing world. His content is all about building relationships between him and his audience.

So what I recently learned was that

To understand how marketing works you need to understand how relationship works.

And Marketing is often Referred as Marketing & Communication as relationships are built on communications.

So Here’s what Great marketers and Great relationships have in common they both to be successful need the commitment of the other person. When it’s business it’s your client and when it’s relationships it’s your other half.

So Marketing and Relationship work the same way and follow the same process which is Curiosity, Engagement & Commitment.

The Triangle consist of 3 parts and whether it’s a relationship or marketing it follows similar sequence:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Engagement
  3. Commitment


The first goal of any marketing is awareness. Unless you have enough awareness about your brand nothing is going to work. So Awareness being objective is what is needed for every business.

But how do you get someone’s attention in this noisy world? Curiosity.

Getting other person curiosity is the best way to hook them. Talking about them or about subject that they are interested in is what gets you their attention.

Similar is for relationships consider you going in a party and you found an individual that got your attention. You become curios them and you go and start a conversation which then leads to exchange of numbers and building a friendship.

Events might be different but most of the relationship we build are built on curiosity.

You get interested about something and that’s where it all starts.


So you started a conversation with you person you met and found interesting but later you realized that they are completely different and you can’t keep the conversation going?

What do you think is the future of them bond?

We all know the answer!

Great Hooks with bad stories are turns off!

Similar in marketing good Ads with Bad Landing Pages Don’t convert

Mastering the art of engaging is one of the utmost skill that you need to learn in order be a good marketer as well for keeping good relationship.


You get their curiosity and you engage but if you don’t get their commitment you are neither gonna have a relationship nor are you going to get business.

Good marketers knows how to get the commitment of their prospects!

Commitment determines and completes the triangle.

So I hope this blog helps you to See marketing with a different perspective and understand it better.

I have been a passionate about life and people and that has helped me to learn and come up with this blog.

Let me know your thoughts about the same!

Love & Respect


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