5 C's In Selling

5 C’s Framework That I Use In Selling & Communication


Haider Here and today I am about to write on 5C’s how I do Sales.
In the next 15-20 minutes of reading this blogs will help you increase your sales and grow your business

Before that let me introduce myself and what I have done that allows me to write down this article. I have always been passionate about people, communication, and serving. and because of which I have been able to work with amazing startups and corporates in the past.

Sales is something that I have been doing for a long time now and recently I took a Passion Project where I helped my dad business design a marketing campaign, reach more people and In-turn get sales and grow their business.

Through this blog I am going to break down how I practically
implement this framework and will help you increase your sales.

I believe is one of the most important areas in any business, SALES.

Now to understand why sales are Important I would like to give this simple analogy of a tank.
Consider A tank that has multiple outlets that removes water from the tank but it only has a single inlet to pour water inside.

How long do you think that the outlets will be able to pour water out of the tank if it doesn’t have an inlet that pours water in the tank?

That’s is Sales.
sales is the backbone, oxygen, living of any business.
Any business without sales is ultimately going to die.

5 C’s in Selling

I have broken down into 5 C’s in selling

These 5C’s will simply help you to understand and grow sales in your business


That’s the blood that goes through great salesmen.

Seeing the positive side of anything. You give them anything negative they make you see the other side of it.

These 5C’s will simply help you to understand and grow sales in your business

Everyday In sales either you sell offline, online, B2b, b2c you are going to hear a lot of No’s, But sales has always been a contact sport, the more people you contact the more you win.

To be courageous I have this idea that I would love to share and that is simply

Selling =Serving.

No matter which business you are in if you go intending to serve, You can’t be anxious, can you?

Courage comes from accepting sales as a long-term game where you are gonna hear a lot of No’s to get one Yes.


In the business we have to deal with many people, stakeholders it can be customers, vendors, employees, and sometimes maybe investors.

And everyday you are somehow selling them either your products, ideas, or vision to stay associated with you.

And this is where you need care: As a business caring for the people you work with can get you far.

When we are genuinely interested in serving and caring for people we deal with it shows up in our confidence, approach, and way of doing business

Care is an invisible force in the game of sales.


Every business has a message, which they communicate to their audience.

Most of us are so involved in the daily process of our business & managing the daily task that we never take out time to strategize and think.

What is our business?

Who are we serving?

How is it helping them?

Answering these few Simple Questions Can help you gain clarity.

Let me share with you how I usually Impement this

I simply ask these few question:

  1. What are the category product line that we are selling.

    Divide the entire product line in simple categories. This helps people to know about the specific categories we deal in and helps build recall.
    Category x
    Category y
    Category z

    This makee both us and the customer the clear about what we do. The customers now have a clarity that they can find the products in these 3 categories with us.

  2. How does it help them:
    Every category might help the individual in an area in their life, understanding how the categories improve and helps them makes it more relatable.

    eg: mirror cabinets – get practical storage with good looks.

    Clarity is of utmost importance in both the digital and offline world. Any message that people find confusing or need a lot of brainpower to process makes them switch.

  3. Clear CTA- call to action: Everything you do is waste if people don’t take any action.
    Clarity gives them the power to take action.
    Giving clear CTA helps you get conversions.


The next is communication there are so many people out there that have clarity but fail to sell because they don’t know how to communicate the message.

Make sure that people who are confident, aware, and have clarity are the ones facing and dealing with the customers.

The clarity in your mind might help you to understand things in your business but the way you communicate that will determine how clear is your message is in the minds of the customers.

The best way to build communication is through networking. Go and face people, meet as many of them you can from a variety of backgrounds, cultures as this will help you overall understand people and communicate better.


The Last is the Conversions.

How good you are at sales is determined by only one thing and that is the conversions you get. Everything needs to track to be improved and so it is for sales. The amount of people you convert is ultimately what matters.

To convert you need to know how to close.

Closing is all about how good you are at helping people take action and that again loops back to our previous points that is Clarity and Communication.

Clarity + Communication = Sales

I Hope This blog on sales must have provided value to you and gives you a framework to implement in your business.

Do comment and let know your views and share this someone who would benefit from this.

Haider Arsiwala

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